What is a generational curse test? This is exactly what it sounds like. It is a process of identifying if there is a generational curse in your family line. These patterns are cursed by generational curses which are passed down from parent to the offspring. These curses are a cause for concern because they keep on going to the next generation until it is broken. A generational curse test is therefore essential if you want to confirm the presence of a curse in your family and possibly eradicate it for good.

The Facts about Generational Curse

So what exactly are generational curses? Generational curses are black magic spells that have been put on previous generations of family to affect future generations. However, generational curses are more subtle than their physical counterparts. Generational curses often manifest with signs such as divorces, poverty, criminality, mental illnesses, and frequent illnesses among members of a family.

To the spiritually naive, these signs of black magic can be easily attributed to something else. However, generational curses are nothing but a product of black magic. Although the world has gone technological, some things such as spirituality never change. For thousands of years, black magic and magicians have been in existence. These things still exist today, even if they cannot be easily explained in scientific terms.

The reason you should care about a generational curse test is that anyone can be a victim of these curses. You may have a long-forgotten who was a victim of a curse. Unbeknownst to them, they may live out their lives without getting rid of it. The result is that every direct descendant of the individual falls at risk of inheriting the curses. It’s the reason some family members can escape the family nurse no matter how hard they try.

How to Identify Generational Curses

Now that you know that generational curses exist, the next question is: how can you identify them in your family? Fortunately, this question is easier than it sounds. You can easily identify a generational curse by taking the following two steps.

Step 1: Look for unexplainable patterns

Since a generational curse is a type of black magic, manifests with signs of voodoo and black magic. This covers a wide array of symptoms including skin changes, bad luck, frequent illness, blindness, depression, financial issues, relationship problems, and more. The telling feature of signs of black magic is that they are often sudden and unexplainable.

Once you start having any of these symptoms, try to find out if there’s a history of similar occurrences in the family. Did your parents go through the same thing? Did your grandparents have a similar experience? Are your siblings or distant uncles having a similar experience? Could any of your previous relatives have been in the eye of jealousy or revenge by someone? If the answer to any of these questions is a yes, then the next step becomes necessary.

Step 2: Undergo a generational curse test

The next step is to seek out a spiritual healer for a spiritual assessment such as a generational curse test. By providing some personal details, a true healer will be able to make a divination and proclaim if you are under a curse or not. The details often required include:
  • Full name
  • Photograph
  • Birthday
  • Mother’s name

9 benefits of a Generational curse test?

Apart from confirming your suspicion, there are several other benefits of taking a generational curse test.


1. Peace of mind

The very first benefit of getting a generational curse test done is peace of mind. A lot of uncertainties come with dealing with bizarre experiences and not knowing the right steps to take. Black magic can bring about feelings of helplessness and hopelessness because nothing you do works. This is where the test comes in.

The evaluation confirms your suspicion and puts your mind at rest. For instance, if you have been getting divorced, getting this evaluation done can help you know the root of your problems. You’ll be able to know if you’ve been dealing with a generational curse or if you need to work on your choice of partners.


2. Financial Prosperity

One of the signs of a curse is financial problems and bad luck. By taking this test, you’ll be able to know if your financial problems are due to a supernatural affliction or not. If that’s the case, then all you have to do is cure black magic and seek spiritual protection to get back into financial prosperity.


3. Relationship issues

Getting a generational curse test done can help you overcome your relationship issues. It brings clarity and you’ll be able to know the right steps to take to restore your healthy relationships.


4. Career issues

Work and career occupy a vital spot in every individual life. Apart from your job being your primary source of livelihood, your job can be your purpose and your means of socialization. It can therefore be damaging if unforeseen problems start creeping into your career all of a sudden. The good news is that you can easily overcome these issues by taking a generational curse test. It will reveal if you’re just dealing with a serendipitous bout of bad luck or if you have to worry about breaking curses.


5. Mental problems

A common sign of generational curses is mental problems like paranoia, anxiety disorder, and depression. That said, these conditions can also arise without a spiritual background. It’s only by taking a generational curse test that you’ll be able to differentiate the cause. This is the reason many people spend months on psychological therapy, drugs, and mental homes with no positive outcome. By taking the right steps, you can save yourself valuable time and stress by solving the right problems.


6. Illness attacks

Similarly, various types of black magic can manifest with frequent illnesses and hospital visits. If you are noticing this pattern in your family, then you need to take the ancestral curse test.


7. Spiritual Healing

Another huge benefit of taking a generational curse test is spiritual healing. This evaluation is often offered by experienced magic healers. Therefore, you can easily access professional help to remove magic if a curse is discovered. Although you can remove curses with prayer, working with a magic healer is the trusted way to overcome generational curses and break all types of curses. Only God knows why he answers some prayers and not others.
True spiritual healers can help remove a curse from your family and also help remove negative energy from your aura. You can begin this process right now by hopping on this free black magic check offered by our office. Our resident healer, Talal Zoabi is available to work with you at a moment’s notice in many cases.


8. Family protection

Additionally, spirit healers don’t just break curses and get rid of demons. They can also help provide family protection from black magic. After taking the generational curse test, you can also opt for spiritual protection for your family after the curse has been a problem. This can also help infuse positive energy into your family and healthy relationships.


9. Spiritual protection

Additionally, getting a black magic check done can also reveal if you are at risk of falling under a curse and will benefit from spiritual protection. Spiritual protection is another service offered by magic healers that protects you from spiritual attacks in the future. You can think of them as spiritual firewalls installed over your aura to protect against any attacks.

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Published by The Office of Talal Zoabi 30+ Years of Exp. in Spiritual Healing

700+ Exorcisms | 3000+ Permanent Spell Removals | Spiritual Healing Services

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Break Black Magic - Remove Black Magic - Spiritual Healing | What is a Generational Curse Test? | 9 Ways it Can Help All

Note: Be aware! Over the years we have had many people claiming to be “healers”, copy Talal’s website articles from BreakBlackMagic.Com and paste them on their site as their own and change or rearrange the words. There are many scammers out there in this field. Feel free to contact us for a list of those we have discovered.


30+ Years of Experience in Spiritual Healing