Have you ever felt drained, exhausted, or unhappy after spending time with someone? If so, you may have experienced the effects of negative vibes from a person. Negative vibes are the low-frequency energies that some people emit, consciously or unconsciously, that can affect your mood, health, well-being, and more. In this guide, you will learn the facts about exposure to long-term negative energy and what you can do about it.

The truth about negative energy

As we always tell our readers, negative energy is not something foreign or otherworldly that exists outside of us. It is the result of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Because we are created by God, our thoughts and emotions have more power than our wildest imagination. We all have the power to create and attract positive or negative manifestations in our lives based on the frequency of our emotions and thoughts.

That said, some people are more prone to generating negative energy than others, due to several factors such as trauma, stress, fear, anger, resentment, or insecurity. Most people are not aware of the impact they have on themselves and others. They have no idea of the power of their minds and how it can be used to manipulate, control, or hurt others. However, some people do understand the power of negative vibes.

Although it may seem harmless and you may feel like there is nothing to worry about, getting consistent negative vibes from people can be extremely harmful. This is because confident negative vibes lead to a phenomenon known as the evil eye or ‘Mal de Ojo.’ The evil eye is a belief that someone can harm or curse another person just by looking at them with ill intentions and jealousy. It is prevalent in many cultures and religions, such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Jainism.

Contrary to trendy belief, the evil eye is not a myth. It is a terrible spiritual curse on par with the worst black magic curses and demonic possession. This is the reason why signs of evil eye tend to be similar to signs of black magic.

Signs of negative vibes 

Negative vibes from a person in the form of an evil eye curse can manifest in unusual ways, depending on how sensitive you are to energy and how often you interact with the person. To know if you have been affected by the evil eye, here are 10 common signs that you have been afflicted by the evil eye:
1. You have persistent unfavorable circumstances and ill luck.
When under an evil eye curse, you can encounter continuous misfortune that seems endless. This may manifest as financial challenges, relational problems, or ongoing obstacles across various facets of your life. You may also lose or break things frequently or face unnecessary accidents or injuries. If you are experiencing these, they are signs of strong negative vibes from a person. How to get lucky is to eradicate the evil eye curse on your life.
2. You have negative and unexplained physical symptoms. 
There are several ways that the evil eye can impact your body. It can show up as skin itching due to inflammation boils on the body when no infection is present, unexplained bruising on the body, dark circles under your eyes, headaches, or shortness of breath. If you have excluded all medical explanations for these symptoms, the evil eye curse might be the culprit.
3. You may start to feel tension in your healthy relationships.
You may suddenly observe an unusual strain in your connections with friends, family, or romantic partners. You may experience misunderstandings, conflicts, jealousy, or betrayal that you simply cannot explain. Furthermore, you may feel isolated or lonely, as if no one understands or supports you. If the curse is left to fester, this can worsen to the extent that you may feel dejected and depressed.
4. You can start having persistent disturbing dreams. 
You may have nightmares or bad dreams that haunt you. You may see scary or unpleasant images, or face threats or dangers in your dreams. You may also have difficulty sleeping or wake up feeling restless or anxious. These are signs that the evil eye is affecting your subconscious mind and creating fear or insecurity. If this goes on, you may end up being stressed out, mentally unstable, and unproductive at work.
5. You may have unexplained mental distress.
Negative vibes from a person can make you feel depressed, anxious, angry, or fearful for no apparent reason. It can also lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, or negative thoughts. You may lose interest or motivation in things that you used to enjoy. You may also have difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.
6. You may have spiritual disturbances. 
If you are under intense negative vibes, you may feel disconnected from your faith or spirituality. You can suddenly develop doubts, questions, or confusion about your beliefs. You may also feel a lack of guidance, protection, or blessing from your higher power because of the negative occurrence and stress. Additionally, you may experience paranormal phenomena, such as seeing or hearing things that are not there, or feeling a presence or touch that is not physical. These are signs that the evil eye is affecting your spiritual connection and balance.
7. Your appearance can get altered.
Under a curse, your physical appearance can take a turn for the worse. Your skin can become pale, sickly, or marked with spots and irritable lesions. You can also develop scars, boils, and irritating marks all over your body. Once you start having these symptoms, you need powerful evil eye protection.
8. You can develop paranoia. 
Sometimes, you may just have a gut feeling that something is wrong with you or your life. You can have that nagging feeling that someone is watching you or wishing you bad. No matter how hard you try to shake off this feeling, it will persist. As a result, you may feel uneasy, restless, or uncomfortable. You may also have a sense of dread, danger, or doom. These are signs that your intuition is warning you about the evil eye and its effects.

Top 7 reasons you may get negative vibes from people

Now that you know how harmful negative vibes from a person can be, it is time to explore the reason negative vibes may be directed at you. There are many reasons why you may get negative vibes from people, but here are some of the most common ones:
1. Negative coworkers at work
If you work with people who are fond of gossiping, complaining, or criticizing, you will feel negative vibes being transmitted your way. As a result, you can start having trouble focusing, performing, or collaborating, and experience a lack of satisfaction and fulfillment in your job.
2. Poor emotional intelligence
If you lack the ability to understand, express, and manage your own emotions, you will be more susceptible to the influence of other people’s emotions. As a result, you may also have difficulty empathizing, communicating, or resolving conflicts with others, and create more negativity in your relationships. If this happens, you may start triggering negative vibes from people around you.
3. Jealous people
If you encounter people who are jealous of your success, happiness, or achievements, they may start directing their resentment, hostility, and envy at you. In addition to the metaphysical attack, you may also face criticism, sabotage, or opposition from them, and feel insecure, doubtful, or threatened by their actions. If this happens, you need to take urgent action.
4. Competitors
If you have people who are competing with you for the same goal, or opportunity, their rivalry can result in the creation of an evil-eye curse. Furthermore, you may also have to deal with their aggression, deception, or manipulation, and feel stressed, anxious, or defensive.
5. Pessimistic loved one
If you have a loved one who is pessimistic, cynical, or hopeless, they may also direct their despair, negativity, or pessimism at you. If they feel that you have wronged them, they can direct negative vibes which can lead to negative occurrences in your life.
6. Unresolved issues
If you have unresolved issues with someone from your past, such as a family member, a friend, or an ex-partner, you will feel their anger, pain, or bitterness. You will have to deal with their resentment, blame, or guilt, and may end up feeling conflicted and unhappy.
7. Different values
If you have different values, beliefs, or opinions from someone, you will feel their disagreement, conflict, or intolerance. You may also have to deal with their judgment, criticism, or rejection, and feel misunderstood and alienated. When this occurs, it means you have to learn how to break curses.

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Top 3 ways to protect yourself

While you cannot control or change other people’s energy, you can protect yourself from their negative vibes and maintain your own positive energy. Here are some of the most effective ways to do so:
1. Set boundaries
Boundaries are the limits you set for yourself and others, to protect your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Setting boundaries means saying no to what you do not want, and yes to what you do want.

It also means communicating your needs, expectations, and preferences clearly and respectfully, and respecting those of others. By setting boundaries, you can avoid or minimize contact with negative people, and create more space for positive people in your life. You will also give others fewer reasons to direct negative energy to you.
2. Change your circle and attitude
Changing your circle means choosing who you spend your time and energy with, and who you allow into your life. Changing your circle means letting go of people who are negative, toxic, or abusive, and attracting people who are positive, supportive, and uplifting. By changing your circle, you can surround yourself with people who inspire you, encourage you, celebrate you, and create more joy, peace, and love in your life.

Additionally, you can reduce the type of vibes you attract based on your attitude. For instance, flaunting your success on social media can attract the ire of others. Practicing modesty can reduce the amount of negative energy you attract from others.
3. Spiritual protection
Spiritual protection means using the right spiritual healing techniques to shield yourself from negative energy and spiritual attacks. Although there are many spiritual healing methods such as meditation, visualization, affirmations, crystals, herbs, candles, incense, salt, and water healing, it is critical to avoid all positive-themed techniques.

If you are having negative symptoms due to negative vibes, cultivating positive energy is not enough. Evil eye curses do not respond to positivity and conventional spiritual healing practices. To truly break the effects of negative vibes from a person, you need to engage in powerful spiritual healing practices such as prayer and energy healing.

You have to start by engaging in spiritual healing prayer according to your faith. Simply practice your faith and pray to God according to your beliefs. The almighty is infinitely powerful and can instantly undo the effects of the evil eye in your life.

Finally, you can also get rid of evil eyes by working with trusted spiritual healing. Spiritual healers like Talal know how to tell if someone is possessed or under a curse. They also know how to remove the magic of the evil eye and how to heal spiritually. True healers are people gifted by God to undo spiritual afflictions and they are willing to help you.

All you must do is find one and work with them. Most true spirit healers offer a spiritual assessment to confirm if you are truly cursed. Talal offers a free black magic check that you can take at any time. After taking this test, you can then opt in for spiritual healing. Talal will block all the effects of the negative vibes and offer future protection.

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Published by The Office of Talal Zoabi 30+ Years of Exp. in Spiritual Healing

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Break Black Magic - Remove Black Magic - Spiritual Healing | Stop Negative Vibes from a Person | Top 3 Ways of Protection

Note: Be aware! Over the years we have had many people claiming to be “healers”, copy Talal’s website articles from BreakBlackMagic.Com and paste them on their site as their own and change or rearrange the words. There are many scammers out there in this field. Feel free to contact us for a list of those we have discovered.

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