When most people talk of spiritual healers, they refer to popular priests, clerics, and spiritual bloggers. However, the art of spiritual healing is much more complex than this. Spiritual healing is much more than balancing spiritual energy and attaining harmony in the body, spirit, and soul. A lot of popular spiritual healers place too much emphasis on healing trauma, depression, and other emotional issues with positivity techniques.

Although these techniques have their uses, they are not the true representation of spiritual healing. In this guide, you will discover who a spiritual healer is and how they can help you in your life. Let us get started.

True Spiritual Healing 101

True spiritual healing is all about eradicating negative energy and negative spiritual influences in a person’s life. A spiritual healer is, therefore a professional with the spiritual abilities and knowledge to help others overcome spiritual obstacles. Although spiritual healers are well-versed in positivity techniques such as meditation, positive psychology, and holistic healing, they also possess spiritual proficiency for dealing with stronger spiritual problems.
In our reality, a lot happens unseen in the metaphysical realm. This includes invisible attacks such as black magic, hex, evil eye, and demonic possession. Although these terms may seem to be plucked out of a fairytale novel, they are real problems that are still faced by people today. It is the ability to deal with these adverse spiritual problems that set spiritual healers apart from popular spiritual bloggers and clerics.

8 Reasons you need a spiritual healer


1. Negative Aura

Every human possesses, in addition to their physical body, a spirit and soul. All our body functions including our sensory, motor, and higher cognitive functions depend on the exchanges of electrons and impulses on a subatomic level. It is therefore not far-fetched to consider humans as energy-based beings. We all have energy in and around us and the frequency of these energies has a distinct impact on our lives.
Every single individual possesses an aura, which is the frequency of their spiritual energy. The frequency of our aura is influenced by factors such as our beliefs, thoughts, environment, and the type of people surrounding us. If you are surrounded by pessimistic, hateful, and overly critical people, your aura can become depressed. In these instances, your aura can become negative, and as a result, you can start having negative occurrences in your life.
Having a negative aura is one key area spirit healers can help you with. A spiritual healer can help you overcome negativity intertwined with your spirit, which may be difficult for you to do on your own. By opting for their service, a healer can work with you to learn healing techniques and additionally work to infuse positive energy into your life.

2. Black Magic

Black magic is the practice of employing supernatural powers through rituals, spells, and sacrifices to carry out evil wishes and inflict harm on others. Black Magic is a common phenomenon globally, and it is also referred to as witchcraft, hex, voodoo, and so on in other cultures.
Black magic is not some mystical force that existed a few centuries ago. It is also different from the fancy Latin spellcasting and visual magical effects seen in movies and novels. Black magic is a sinister affliction that causes real problems in the lives of its victims. As you are reading this, thousands of people are dealing with the signs of black magic in their lives.
The reason is that, although the knowledge of black magic is old, the art itself has lost none of its potency. Today, a black magician with the right knowledge and required spiritual ability can still carry out black magic rituals and create powerful curses for their nefarious purposes. Also, some people still seek out black magicians and witches to create curses. The reasons people engage in this evil art include revenge, hate, jealousy, advancing one’s career, and so on.
The verdict is that anyone can be a victim of black magic these days. The shocking news about the signs of black magic is that they can be anything, and they occur suddenly. Black magic symptoms mimic a lot of physical and psychological ailments. However, black magic symptoms tend to be unexpected and unexplainable.
Therefore, if you start having unexplainable bad luck, illnesses, and relationship problems, a magic curse may be at work. Fortunately, true spiritual healers have the gift and knowledge required to break black curses. Sadly, most of the popular spiritual healing techniques are ineffective against black magic. The only effective options for breaking black magic are spiritual healing prayer and energy healing/black magic cure offered by a true spiritual healer. This is why you should seek a healer to cure black magic when you have unexplainable symptoms in your life.

3. Generational Curses

Additionally, another reason you may need a spiritual healer is generational curses. At this point, you are enquiring about generational curses. These curses are the worst kinds of black magic because they can be attached to a bloodline and get inherited by every descendant.
These curses are the reasons some families are unable to shake off negative patterns such as sickness, mental illness, and crime in successive generations. All it takes for you to fall victim is to be related by blood to the real victim of the curse. Regardless of whether the original victim is alive or dead, every descendant can fall victim to the curse.
Therefore, you should start suspecting the existence of a generation’s curse in your life if you start noticing a familiar pattern occurring in your life. For instance, you may start having financial problems or debilitating ill luck, and you can notice several others in your family going through a comparable situation. Once you notice these patterns, you should seek a spiritual healer. Only healers have the ability to detect the presence of a generational curse and undo it for good.

4. Evil Eye

The evil eye or Mal de Ojo is another substantial spiritual problem out there. In historical texts and most societies, the evil eye is often dismissed as a mild spiritual misfortune caused by the negative gazes of others. However, evil eye curses are anything but mild in the real world.
The evil eye is a spiritual curse created when people focus negative intentions and emotions such as hate and jealousy on you. This curse is created due to the power of the human spirit and intention. Once an individual focuses their negative intentions on you, if their intention is strong enough, it can move forces in the spiritual world to make that intention a reality.
The evil eye is one of the worst afflictions that anyone can go through. The signs of evil eye curses are just as terrible as the symptoms of black magic. Victims of an evil eye go through extreme bad luck, ill health, relationship problems, and psychological imbalances. Similar to black magic, the evil eye is also not easily cured. Popular spiritual healing techniques are often ineffective. In most instances, only spiritual healers can break evil curses and offer powerful evil eye protection.

5. Demonic possession

Otherworldly beings known as Jinns and demons can sometimes cross into our world and possess people. This phenomenon is known as demonic possession, and it is still present in our world today. Real demonic possession is a phenomenon as old as time itself. Demons are spiritual creatures created by God out of smokeless flames, and they exist in a parallel dimension to our world.
Although we cannot see or cross over into their world, they can cross over to our world. Because the human body is designed to inhabit one spirit, the presence of a demon elicits several signs of the possessed. The signs of demonic possession include physical, psychological, and metaphysical manifestations. Victims of demonic possession can undergo skin changes, recurrent illnesses, and serious bad luck. Furthermore, they can experience behavioral changes such as excessive religiousness and delusions. They can also become excessively filthy and aggressive and may start prophesying the future.
Trying to cure demonic possession on your own is ill-advised. Demonic possession is a far more complex problem than black magic and evil eye curses. Currently, the only cure is exorcism, and it can only be conducted by professional priests and spiritual healers. Spiritual healers know how to tell if someone is possessed and how to get rid of evil spirits. Therefore, if you suspect a case of demonic possession in your home, promptly seek out a healer for a real exorcism.

6. Spiritual House Cleansing

The home plays an intangible role in the lives of virtually everyone. Our home is where we relax, replenish our energy, work, and live with our families. Therefore, if your home suddenly becomes inconducive and negative, it can negatively impact your life in numerous ways.
A haunted house or one filled to the brim with negative energy can disrupt the lives of all the inhabitants. Suddenly, you may notice that you are having negative symptoms such as depression, lack of concentration, bad luck, relationship problems, and more. It may get worse to the extent that you may believe you are cursed. This is how powerful our homes can be.
It is therefore essential that your home is always kept clean of negative energy and otherworldly influences. The good news is that spiritual healers are also well-versed in spiritual house cleaning. They have the knowledge to conduct family curse removal and channel positive energy into your home. Working with a spiritual healer for a house cleanse will instantly restore peace and calm to your home.

7. Spiritual assessment

If there is one reason you should seek out a spirit healer today, it should be for their ability to diagnose spiritual problems. Similar to how doctors conduct investigations to make a diagnosis to decide on the right line of management of a condition, spiritual healers have the skill to do something similar.
Black magic and evil eye are broad terms that are used to describe thousands of different spiritual afflictions. There are several types and varieties of black magic curses and other spiritual distresses which require vastly different solutions. Also, because spiritual problems tend to mimic several physical and mental conditions, it is essential to be able to differentiate the real cause of your problem.
This is where a spiritual healer comes in. A lot of spirit healers offer a spiritual assessment. This is a form of investigation in which the healer makes a spiritual inquiry into your aura. This assessment reveals if there is a curse in your life, the details of the curse, and how to undo it. Talal Zoabi currently offers a free black magic check that you can take today. Therefore, if you are having any unexplainable occurrence in your life, seek a healer immediately for clarification.

8. Spiritual protection

Lastly, spiritual healers can help you with spiritual protection. Recovering from trauma can be a terrible experience and you may find yourself always looking over your shoulders. The good news is that spiritual healers don’t just break curses and cast out demons. True magic healers can also provide spiritual protection. They can teach you ideas and techniques of how to protect yourself such as spiritual healing prayer and spiritual cleansing.
However, spiritual healers can also protect you spiritually from all spiritual problems with their divine healing gift. Healers are unique because of their God-given gifts. Therefore, if you have ever been a victim of black magic or any other spiritual problem, you can seek out a healer for lifelong spiritual protection. This way, you will not have to worry about falling victim to a curse in the future. Talal currently offers free lifetime protection from black magic and evil eye after every spiritual healing service offered.

How to Locate a True Spiritual Healer

So, how can you locate a true spiritual healer for spiritual healing? This is not as straightforward as walking into a hospital or mechanic store. Due to the lack of regulation in the spiritual community, there is currently no certification for magic healers. This means anyone can declare themselves as healers, even though they possess zero spiritual healing ability.

Therefore, there are certain guidelines you should abide by when seeking a true healer. Let us go through 3 of them.

1. Start by locating one

The first step in getting a healer is locating one. You can easily find healers by asking around for a healer in your city or searching for a healer near you online. This is the first step.

2. Seek an assessment

Before making your decision to choose a healer, enquire if they offer a spiritual assessment. Spiritual assessment is essential for diagnosing the presence of a curse in your life. It is also an attribute of a true spiritual healer. Only true magic healers offer a spiritual check. Currently, Talal Zoabi offers a free black magic check that you can take today.

3. Look for reputation and testimonials

The last step is doing your due diligence. Before you work with any healer, do your research to ascertain their authenticity. Look out for positive word of mouth and read testimonials on their website and social media pages. Also, watch out for healers with shady behaviors and requests. For instance, healers who insist that you purchase items before they can commence healing or those who make obscene demands for their services.


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Published by The Office of Talal Zoabi 30+ Years of Exp. in Spiritual Healing

700+ Exorcisms | 3000+ Permanent Spell Removals | Spiritual Healing Services

Read about Talal’s Proven Results in His Client’s Spiritual Healing Testimonials


Break Black Magic - Remove Black Magic - Spiritual Healing | 8 Powerful Reasons You Need a Spiritual Healer | Locate One


Note: Be aware! Over the years we have had many people claiming to be “healers”, copy Talal’s website articles from BreakBlackMagic.Com and paste them on their site as their own and change or rearrange the words. There are many scammers out there in this field. Feel free to contact us for a list of those we have discovered.


30+ Years of Experience in Spiritual Healing